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Ninety junior officers of the Auxiliary Police Force attended on February 26 a preparation briefing arranged by the Auxiliary Support Bureau for the upcoming Inspector (Auxiliary) Promotion Exercise.  
The briefing covered the contents of Functional Leadership Test, which is one of the major assessments of the promotion exercise. The briefing enabled the officers to acquire sufficient knowledge for preparing for the promotion exercise.  
Auxiliary Police Deputy Commandant Edgar Yang briefed the officers on the management's expectations of an Inspector (Auxiliary).  He emphasised that, amid changes in society, the Auxiliary Police Force requires a pool of officers with potential for future succession. 
A Chief Inspector (Auxiliary) and two recently promoted Inspectors (Auxiliary) were on hand to share their experience of striking a balance between their regular jobs and families with auxiliary services.  Well received by the attendants, the briefing underscored the efforts made by the regular and auxiliary forces.