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In a bid to promote green management and support continuous studies and interactive learning, Police College is running a pilot project with the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute on use of tablet computer in police training.
The pilot project covers two phases between 2014 and 2016. With funds provided by the Innovation and Technology Commission, a total of over 450 tablet computers will be allocated to trainees of Police College's Management Learning Division, Foundation Training Centre (FTC) and Disaster Victim Identification Unit (DVIU) of Detective Training Centre.
Following the successful debut of the tablet computers for Junior Command Course in August 2014, tablet computers (seven inches) were distributed to one intake of 42 probationary inspectors and one squad of 30 recruit police constables in October 2014. With the tablet computers, all the trainees practised and experienced "paperless" and interactive training through a close-circuit WIFI network in FTC. Use of tablet computers (10 inches) for the training of the DVIU started in December 2014.
While the first phase of the pilot project focused on testing of network infrastructure and technical deployment, the second phase, which will start later this year, aims at enhancing the interactivity in learning. Police College hopes the project would be extended to other learning and operations within the Force.