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'Detective Plus' looks into 'Naked Chat Blackmail'
The "Detective Plus" Detective Casebook Series aims to provide a unique opportunity for detectives and other officers playing an investigative role to benefit from the experience of a real-life investigation through discussion and sharing of views.
The Series No.9 on investigation of "Naked Chat Blackmail" was held earlier at Police Headquarters for over 120 officers, conducted by Superintendent Chan Chi-yung from Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau. Apart from Force members, the Series also attracted a delegation from the Macao Police and mentors and mentees of the Crime Officers Mentorship Programme. The audience considered the session very constructive with the speaker sharing his valuable experience.
The bi-monthly "Detective Plus" Series is overseen by newly appointed Knowledge Management (KM) Champion, Senior Superintendent Wyman Lee. The series will cover topics meeting the needs of frontline detectives with a view to enhancing knowledge transfer and promoting a learning culture within crime units.
A new PEN address detective-plus@police.gov.hk has been created for providing one-stop service. Officers may forward their ideas and enquiries to this designated PEN account.