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To provide recruitment information for overseas applicants and facilitate their applications, Recruitment Division has launched an "Overseas Corner" in Police Public Page. This new initiative consists of the following major components:

Event Calendar :
The Event Calendar lists the dates of the probationary inspector written examinations, a timetable of major recruitment events and the dates of the Common Recruitment Examination to be held in cities outside Hong Kong, including London, Vancouver and Sydney, for applicants to get a better idea of the selection process and plan for submitting applications.

Hints & Tips : Overseas applicants may visit Hints & Tips to check the relevant entry requirements, including academic and language requirements, and the required documentary proofs.

Video Clips : Recruitment Division has invited officers who had graduated overseas to share their experiences in different video clips. Inspector Chris Leung, a graduate from the United Kingdom in 2009 with major in Aerospace Engineering, has shared the experience he had acquired after joining the Force as Police Constable in 2010 and obtaining promotion to the Inspectorate in 2014.

Interview Schedule : The Force realises that overseas applicants may not be able to attend interviews according to the normal schedule. They may send their preferred schedule by email to Recruitment Division and arrangement will be made according to the preferred schedule as far as possible.

"The Force welcomes any person meeting entry requirements and sharing the Force's values to serve the community by joining the Force. The 'Overseas Corner' is part of our recruitment strategy to attract high calibre candidates who have graduated overseas. Apart from the 'Overseas Corner', Recruitment Division will continue to organise recruitment events to reach out to more potential candidates," said Chief Superintendent Siu Chak-yee from Human Resources Branch, Personnel Wing.

'Overseas Corner' in Police Public Page
'Overseas Corner' in Police Public Page