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With the arrangement made by Police College, six Sergeants, Wong Chun-fai, Yeung Liew-chin, Wong Sai-kit, Kwok Kam-fook, Kwok Yuk-wah and Leung Man-chung, attended an Advanced Developmental Course in Singapore Police Force's (SPF) Home Team Academy between last December and February this year.

The two-week course provides advanced leadership training for SPF frontline managers, with focus on SPF's Leadership Competency Framework, strategic management, operational management, performance appraisal and coaching skills for supervisors. The course offers contemporary and practical knowledge of leadership and management, and equipped the trainees with the skills to tackle challenges in an ever-changing policing environment.

As well as learning policing management and leadership concepts, the Sergeants also forged close liaison with the SPF trainees. All the Sergeants regarded their training as a valuable opportunity to learn and will apply the knowledge acquired in their jobs in future.

SGT Wong Chun-fai (1st left) conducts operation planning simulation exercise with the SPF trainees
SGT Wong Chun-fai (1st left) conducts operation planning simulation exercise with the SPF trainees