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KM award cum Knowledge Cafe on thinking skills

The presentation ceremony of "Let's Check the List" Competition cum Knowledge Cafe on High Order Thinking Skills was held on October 7.

The Force Knowledge Officer cum Director of the Police College Lau Chi-wai presented certificates of the Force Knowledge Management (KM) Award to 50-odd winners of the competition at the ceremony. The event encouraged Force members to formulate work-related checklists/flowcharts to share their work knowledge with colleagues. A total of 489 participants from three categories - Formation, Group and Individual - submitted 134 checklists/flowcharts. The submissions covered mainly frontline policing procedures/actions in various fields, including Uniform Branch, fight crime, traffic and marine duties. The judging panel selected 17 masterpieces.

The presentation ceremony was immediately followed by a sharing session on high-order thinking skills by Chief Superintendent Choy Yuk-kwong who was the former chairperson of the promotion board, Superintendent Lee Cho-ming, and Acting Superintendent Fang Chi-kin. Chief Inspector Leung Yin-man acted as a facilitator and made good use of daily beat duty scenarios to illustrate how to apply advanced thinking skills to handle these cases. The audience opined that the session was conducive to their daily work and the upcoming interviews.

A guest speaker shares his interview tips with the attendees
A guest speaker shares his interview tips with the attendees