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As the average age of telephone deception victims was lowered and many victims were Mainland students studying in local universities, the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) recently joined hands with the Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB), Regional Crime Prevention Offices (RCPOs), Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG), Immigration Department (ImmD) and Hong Kong Mainland Students Association to roll out a series of publicity campaigns against deception.

To cater for Mainlanders who come to Hong Kong for studies in the new academic year, officers of the ADCC and RCPO of Hong Kong Island disseminated anti-deception flyers twice a week in September and October at an office of the LOCPG serving Mainland students. They also briefed the students on the latest types of deception to raise their crime prevention awareness.

Moreover, the ADCC, CPB and RCPOs jointly ran two anti-deception seminars for 250 Mainland students on September 16 and 23. In addition to briefings given by the Force on the modus operandi of telephone deception, victims' psychology as well as a talk on cultural differences by a professor of Hong Kong Baptist University, counterfeit experts from the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) also taught the students to distinguish fake banknotes. Exhibition booths were mounted to introduce the work of special Force units. Furthermore, a kiosk was set up to encourage the students to download the Hong Kong Police Mobile App and to sign up as CCB's Anti-Deception Ambassadors. Some 150 Mainland students from eight universities supported the signature move.

To further raise the new arrivals' awareness of local scams, the ADCC also co-operates with the ImmD to play anti-deception video clips and distribute relevant flyers at their Registration of Persons Offices across the territory.

ADCC gets ready to distribute anti-fraud information kits to Mainland students
ADCC gets ready to distribute anti-fraud information kits to Mainland students