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Western District (WDIST) recently launched a sharing platform called "Triumph over Adversities" under the Western WIKI Knowledge Management Series. Serving and retired officers would be invited to talk about their ups and downs in their careers, families or health with the aim of inspiring Force members to strengthen their resilience to face adversities.

On January 16, Mr Fung Wah-tim, the then physical training instructor of Police Tactical Unit, gave a talk to WDIST officers. Mr Fung is an excellent coach of top-notch marathon runners and the founder of The Universe Running Club, the Marathon Training Centre and the Fearless Dragon Running Team for people with visual and hearing impairment. He shared how marathon gave him motivation to overcome difficulties and get through the ordeals of suffering from leukaemia in 2008 and missing the chance of promotion when he was young.

The participants of the sharing session were deeply inspired by Mr Fung's experience. They learned to stay resilient and develop positive thinking in face of setbacks or frustrations.

Mr Fung Wah-tim shares his experience on how marathon inspires him to overcome difficulties
Mr Fung Wah-tim shares his experience on how marathon inspires him to overcome difficulties

● English Version Only