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Upon easing of the epidemic, Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) swiftly resumed exchange and training with overseas counterparts. Liaison Officer of the Australian Federal Police in Hong Kong Mr Matthew Stocks and Liaison Officer of the German Federal Criminal Police Office in Beijing Mr Sebastian Klinger attended HKPC’s Junior Command Course in February and its Intermediate Command Course in March respectively.

Upon completion of the courses, the two overseas officers praised the arrangements of the courses and expressed their gratitude to the Hong Kong Police Force for offering them the valuable exchange opportunities. They said that the courses provided professional development training in various aspects. Through these courses, they could be acquainted with other trainees for understanding Hong Kong more profoundly.

HKPC is currently engaging more overseas participants for our command courses to make sure the learning experience be more rich and diversified.

Mr Matthew Stocks tours the Police Museum.
Mr Matthew Stocks tours the Police Museum.