
8 Photos

The Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch (C&IIB) organised a Forcewide Integrity Management (IM) campaign between December 2022 and February 2023. The campaign aimed to encourage officers to tell their good police story through the Lift Door Poster Design Competition, in which officers shared their own stories with a photo to illustrate the themes “Lead by Example”, “Never Forget Why We Started” or “Companions”. These three values were found to be the significant factors for motivating officers to uphold integrity standard, as indicated in the results of the IM Seminar and IM Questionnaire conducted previously.

The competition received enthusiastic participation with more than 380 entries from 48 formations. Tuen Mun District had the largest number of entries, with a total of 34. The competitors not only displayed unlimited creativity but also sketched life stories through their very inspiring photos. To facilitate more colleagues sharing the inspirations, the winning entries were published as large posters and displayed on lift doors or wall surfaces of their respective police premises so that officers could enjoy the entries of the colleagues in their Districts and have a stronger sense of belonging and cohesion through these masterpieces. All winning entries have been uploaded to POINT for viewing.

A collection of champion entries is displayed at various locations in the Police Headquarters. Some quotes from the winning entries have been chosen to go with the awarded work. Each piece describes a remarkable personal story and creates an encouraging ambiance. Station Sergeant of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau Au Yeung Kit, winner of the championship of Crime Wing, said that his work featuring a heart formed with three pairs of hands of different ages denoted the idea that officers of different experience and ages are heading towards the common goal to pass on the virtuous culture of the Force together.

Chief Superintendent of C&IIB Au Yeung Mun-yee shared the idea of the campaign. It is hoped that officers can share their enthusiasm for police work with their fellow colleagues through the competition, so as to cultivate greater compassion and confidence, and to uphold their integrity steadfastly to achieve excellence within the Force.

Station Sergeant Au Yeung Kit wins the Crime Wing Championship. His work features a heart formed with three pairs of hands of different ages, denoting the inheritance of the Force's virtuous culture.
Station Sergeant Au Yeung Kit wins the Crime Wing Championship. His work features a heart formed with three pairs of hands of different ages, denoting the inheritance of the Force's virtuous culture.
Service Quality Wing champion
Service Quality Wing champion
Information Systems Wing champion
Information Systems Wing champion
New Territories North champion
New Territories North champion
Kowloon East champion
Kowloon East champion
Marine Region champion
Marine Region champion
Runner-up of Tuen Mun District championship
Runner-up of Tuen Mun District championship