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Recalling Kimmy

I was delighted to open OffBeat issue 699, to find pictures of Kimmy Koh and the well-deserved article about her.

In January 1956, I arrived in Hong Kong to join the Women Police. Basically my task was to utilise my experience of 10 years as a woman officer in the UK, to help re-evaluate conditions of service, recruitment and training, and to co-ordinate the employment, supervision and welfare of women police.

Kimmy was the senior woman officer when I arrived. No one could have been more helpful, co-operative and friendly than Kimmy was. Without her outstanding interpretation skills, the Women Police Contingent could not have developed so quickly, or so well. She was superb.

Kimmy also quietly acquainted me with some of the differences in cultural attitudes between East and West, helping me avoid embarrassing mistakes. These are also important qualities in Police work - unresented co-operation between individuals as well as in team activities. I am grateful to have known her as a friend and colleague.

Margaret Clarke (nee Patrick)

(Editor's Note: The OffBeat story on Kimmy Koh generated wide interest from readers with Yam Yiu, one of her former colleagues, sending in a letter giving a full account of the murder case Kimmy spoke of in the interview. In his letter, Mr Yam also sent his regards to all his friends in the Force.)

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