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Traffic offence queries

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(Translated summary)

When two vehicles were parked together in the same restricted zone and if one of them was attended and the other was not, the handling of the two vehicles in different ways in accordance with the guidelines published in the Bulletin of CTPB would cause unfairness and embarrassment.

In such a case, I had once been queried by the offending driver.

In another case, should I consider towing away an unattended vehicle, which had caused obstruction or danger, as issuing a ticket would not help ease congestion?

Sergeant Wong Woon-leung


You pointed out that the Bureau's guidelines for handling two vehicles parked in the same restricted zone differently, simply because one of the drivers was in his car, would cause unfairness and embarrassment.

I appreciate the difficulty faced by frontline colleagues in such circumstances. However, depending on the prevailing situation, you may consider exercising discretion by issuing a verbal warning to the driver. Once he has left, you may issue a Pol.525 ticket to the unattended vehicle.

In case you have to issue a Pol.570 to the offending motorist, and in order to avoid embarrassment, you may also summons the unattended vehicle with a Pol.287, and record this in your Police notebook.

Regarding your suggestion for ordering a vehicle to be towed away, it can be justified if the vehicle is actually causing serious obstruction or danger to life and property.

In view of your comments, appropriate amendments will be made in the coming issue of the CTPB Bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact the following colleagues of this Bureau by phone during office hours.

Pol.287 : SIP Yeung Siu-fai (2866-8426)

Pol.570 : SIP Fung Chi-man (2866-8449)

Pol.525 : SIP Chan Tsang Wai-ho (2866-8480)

Senior Superintendent Chow Yin-wo
Central Traffic Prosecutions Bureau

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