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PPRB's replies to the media

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The Police Public Relations Bureau issued a total of three letters between June 7-14 to two local newspapers and a Chinese-language magazine to clarify and point out inaccuracies in a number of reports.

Concerning the arrest and repatriation of five right of abode claimants on June 8 reported in an English-language daily, a letter was sent to the editor pointing out that it was not the Force which repatriated the five overstayers as indicated by the story's headline.

The letter continued: "he Immigration Department is the responsible department for repatriating overstaying right of abode claimants. The role of Police is to provide assistance to the Immigration Department and to maintain law and order in the territory.

"Police will continue to carry out day-to-day actions against illegal immigrants and overstayers. Anyone found to have no authority to stay in Hong Kong will be arrested and referred to the Immigration Department for further action."

(Check PEN for details)

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