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Useful Tips on Computer Usage (2)
Application Of Windows Desktop Functions

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In our daily work, we will frequently work with the Windows Desktop. So if we can make good use of the Desktop functions, not only will our working efficiency be improved, but also the complicated computer operation procedures will become simple for us. Now let's see some useful Window Desktop function examples below.

Arraying Application Windows on the Desktop

When working with our computers, we usually open a number of applications at the same time. However, we will find the desktop scattered with a number of open application windows. Even worse, the windows may overlap one another. If we need to switch among them to complete our jobs, it will be a big headache to locate our target windows to work with.

To get rid of such a mess, we can array these windows on the desktop, say, side by side. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Move the cursor to a blank spot on the taskbar and click the right button of the mouse.

2. Choose "Cascade Windows", "Tile Windows Horizontally" or "Tile Windows Vertically" option from the Shortcut menu that pops up.

3. The open windows will appear on the desktop in the chosen arrangement. (Below is the desktop snapshot after choosing "Tile Windows Horizontally")

Resizing the Taskbar

Similarly, the taskbar will also be cluttered up with many task icons after having worked for a while. (See below)

Still it is not easy to find an application that we want. However, resizing the taskbar can improve this condition. Following the steps below will expand the taskbar to show all the task icons.

1. Move the cursor over the top edge of the taskbar until it turns into a up-down arrow "".

2. Hold the left button of the mouse and drag the border of the taskbar up and down and release the button when all the task icons are shown.

3. You can see all the icons now. (See below)

I believe that you can manage all these steps in no time. So join me for other useful tips next time. See you.

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