Complaints Prevention Slogan Competition

5 Photos

The Complaints Prevention Committee (CPC) held a Chinese Slogan Competition on 'Complaints Prevention' to reinforce the awareness of the frontline officers on complaints prevention whilst discharging their duties,

The Competition, which was open to all members of the Force, concluded at the end of May 2003 having received 642 entries from 221 individuals and 12 units.

The first, second and third awards and 10 merit awards were selected by a Judging Panel comprising Assistant Commissioner (Service Quality) Mr Wong Doon-yee; Complaints & Internal Investigations Branch Chief Superintendent Ms Chang Mo-see, and CPC Chairman and New Territories Complaints Against Police Office Superintendent Mr Tsang Hin-ting.

A gallery displaying copies the winning entries can be seen at the Police Sports and Recreation Club and the Police Officers' Club. Copies have also been distributed to all formations for display on the LED boards and uploaded on the web page of the Complaints & Internal Investigations Branch for viewing.

獎項 得獎者 作品內容

冠軍 SPC YIM Yiu-chuen 嚴耀泉 一心要耐性 兩耳來聆聽 三思作回應 四面都公正

亞軍 SSGT LAI Wing-wai 黎永威 聆聽消誤解 溝通顯關懷 體諒添尊重 執法更和諧

季軍 IP KWONG Hoi-fung 鄺凱峰 預防投訴 凡事做好 處事公道 勝於彌補

1 PC IP Ngai-chung 葉毅重 預防投訴銘記心 尊重自己和別人

2 PC LIU Wing-hung 廖永洪 專業警察 由我代表 悉心盡力 投訴減少

3 SSP LEE Kwan-hing 李均興 己所不欲 勿施於人 易地而處 服務市民

4 IP KWONG Hoi-fung 鄺凱峰 大公無私  處事公道 問心無愧 那懼投訴

5 TWD YEUNG Wai-yan 楊慧茵 處事要公正 執行要靈活 紀錄要清楚 投訴可預防

6 PC LAM Yiu-cho 林耀祖 逆地而處傾力做 依法遵紀無投訴

7 WPC TO Wai-kuen 杜惠娟 體諒多關心 專業精神顯耐心 投訴自然不會生

8 PC CHIANG Yuk-cheong 蔣旭昌 專業包容放在心 預防投訴定成功

9 SSGT NGAI Chor-ming 魏楚明 預防投訴好方法 合情合理兼合法

10 PTR II KUNG Yuen-man 龔婉雯 專業親切又有禮 預防投訴的真諦

Assistant ommissioner (Service Quality) Mr Wong Doon-yee and Winner of the Chinese Slogan Competition
CPC held a Chinese Slogan Competition on 'Complaints Prevention' to reinforce frontline officers' awareness of complaints prevention
The first award
The second award
The third award

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