Introduction to the PNC " Throw Ball"

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The Police Negotiation Cadre (PNC) was first set-up in 1975 and, since then has worked very closely with COMMS Branch to ensure that necessary communications equipment is available when face-to-face negotiations are not a safe or viable option.

The PNC, together with COMMS Branch, currently has a wide range of technical equipment that allows them to talk safely to subjects without putting themselves at risk. This ranges from the proverbial loudhailer to the more sophisticated purpose built "Rescue Phone" landlines, which allows direct telephone communications with the subject in question.

COMMS Branch has recently been working on an "all-in-one" device, which marries the various communication components into one simple device. Following a visit to the International Negotiators Working Group (INWG) Conference in 2003, a ruggedised loudhailer was demonstrated by the New South Wales Police which can be delivered to a stronghold by throwing it through the window.

Since then, COMMS Branch has been developing a similar device tailored to the unique demands of Hong Kong. It was felt that the device had to be housed in a spherical casing in order to make it more robust, readily visible to the subject so that they could see that it was not intended to do them any harm and it could be rolled to the stronghold if necessary.

In the beginning, difficulties were experienced in trying to source a spherical shaped object from the market that could house the electronic equipment required. In 2004, and by using stainless steel rods, COMMS successfully managed to put together a see-through ball casing with a simple 2-way audio amplifier protected by a green latex coating.

Following a series of tests using the first prototype, numerous modifications have been made to optimise the unit, based on PNC end-user requirements and suggestions. The latest design has been tested in a number of recent PNC exercises and its performance has very much lived up to end-user's expectations. In the first quarter of 2006, the "Throw Ball" was given to all Regional EUs so that it can quickly be deployed to an incident if it is required to ensure a safe and effective negotiating environment.

The popular "Throw Ball" represents not only the dedicated research and development of COMMS Branch but the whole-hearted co-operation from all parties concerned. COMMS is proud to continue offering its best services to clients and, for the time being, COMMS is looking forward to updating the "Ball", the latest in up-to-date technology add-ons.


'Throw Ball'kit.

Construction of the 'Throw Ball'

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