Balances in Law Enforcement Series IX
PSG, SRG to run series on leisure pursuits

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In the next issue of OffBeat, the Psychological Services Group (PSG) and Staff Relations Group (SRG) will start running a series on Force members' leisure pursuits as another feature of the Balance in Law Enforcement Series. The new series is aimed at finding out how leisure pursuits benefit police work, and help strike a work-life balance.

Through interviews with Force members, PSG and SRG hope to find out how they developed their leisure pursuits in the first place, and how they have contributed to promoting a healthy lifestyle within the Force. Hopefully, the pursuits would shed light on the life priorities of the officers concerned.

Finally, the PSG and SRG hope that the officers would share with fellow officers the wisdom they have derived from their leisure pursuits.

In the first interview for the new series, Sha Tin Divisional Commander Ho Ming-sun will talk about his hobbies of horticulture and philately.

Subsequent interviews will focus on handicraft, magic and choir, as well as tea art.

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