"Balances and Wisdom" Seminar
Experience Sharing by Shenzhen psychiatrist

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An upcoming Balances and Wisdom Seminar organised by the Psychological Services Group (PSG) will be held on November 3 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Multi-purpose Hall, 10/F, Police Headquarters. The title of the seminar is "An Experience Sharing by a Renowned Psychiatrist from Shenzhen".

Dr Chiyi Hu, M.D., PhD, an experienced psychiatrist and Deputy Head of the Shenzhen Kangning Hospital, will share with Force members his professional experiences in Shenzhen, with special highlights on the current situation of mental health of the population, and the impact of migration. Dr Hu will also give an overview of the work of mental health promotion on the Mainland, suicide prevention programme in Shenzhen, the overall mental health of the Shenzhen Police and crisis intervention. The seminar will be conducted in Putonghua but audience is welcome to use Cantonese or English.

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