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Deputy Commissioner (Management) Ma Wai-luk, Director of Finance, Administration and Planning Ip Man-fai and Police Civil Secretary Chan Wong Yan-lan met the representatives of the seven civilian staff associations at a lunch gathering on February 17.

More than 20 representatives attended the gathering, including the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and executive committee members of the Association of Police Translators, Association of Police Communications Officers, Hong Kong Traffic Wardens Union, HKSAR Government Traffic Wardens General Union, HKPF Telecommunications Technical Staff Union, HKPF Model Scale I Staff Association and HKPF Civilian Officers' Union.  They exchanged views with the management on matters of concern to their  members.

Speaking at the lunch, Mr Ma said the professionalism and quality service of the Force were widely recognised by the public in the past year.  Frontline officers owed their efficiency  to the timely and able support from civilian staff. Effective communication amongst disciplined and civilian grades helped foster co-operation and team work. In this regard, the contribution of civilian staff associations to enhance communication between the staff and management was highly appreciated.

Mr Ma said the Force would face more challenges and the workload would be heavier. He hoped that disciplined and civilian staff would continue to serve the community with commitment and dedication.

Mr Ma has a frank exchange of views with the representatives
Mr Ma has a frank exchange of views with the representatives