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The Information Systems Wing (ISW) has passed the re-certification audit of ISO 27001 on the Information Security Management System (ISMS), with the certificate successfully upgraded to the 2013 version.

At the ISO 27001:2013 Certificate Presentation Ceremony held on October 19, Acting Director of Management Services Peter Cornthwaite, on behalf of the Force, received the ISO 27001:2013 certification from Mr Emmanuel Herve, Managing Director of British Standard Institution (BSI) Hong Kong/VP Standards and Professional Services. Also attending the ceremony were Acting Senior Assistant Commissioner Li Kin-fai, Chief Superintendent of Traffic Branch Matthew Lindsay, Senior Superintendent of Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau Chan Wing-on and Chief Systems Manager of Information Technology Branch Fong Yiu-hang.

ISW was awarded ISO 27001 in 2009. As technology rapidly develops, the BSI conducted a re-certification audit again on ISW in June this year and assessed its provision of information security framework for the Force, including formulation and implementation of security policies and governance services.

Re-certifying the ISMS against ISO 27001 demonstrates the Force's compliance with international standard on information security.

Mr Cornthwaite receives the ISO 27001:2013 certificate
Mr Cornthwaite receives the ISO 27001:2013 certificate