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The Carelinks Cadre marked its 10th anniversary with a Gala Dinner on September 19. Among a large gathering of guests celebrating the occasion with Cadre members were Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Lau Chi-wai and Chief Superintendent (Personnel Services & Staff Relations) Cecilia Ng.

Throughout the past 10 years, the Cadre has provided quality services for over 14 000 Force members, for example offering peer support for officers involved in large-scale operations and critical incidents; sharing stress management skills with Probationary Inspectors and Recruit Police Constables (RPCs); operating a Carelinks Helpline to provide hotline services; organising workshops in positive psychology; posting positive quotes on Force NoticeBoard weekly; and publishing book review in OffBeat to share the wisdom of various authors.

In 2007, Dr Ellen Kirshment, an authority in Police Psychology, came to Hong Kong and accredited the Cadre. In 2013, the Cadre won the meritorious award of the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award (internal support).

In the years to come, the voluntary Cadre will continue to promote peer support and contribute to the cultivation of a caring culture within the Force.

Flash back to a session with RPCs
Flash back to a session with RPCs