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The Regional Crime Prevention Office of Kowloon East (RCPO KE) offered a seminar on prevention of phone scam for Mainland exchange students at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on October 27, hoping they would be more mindful of the crime.

The RCPO briefed the students on the trend and statistics of the phone scam in KE Region, backgrounds of the victims and the common modus operandi. Fliers on prevention were distributed on the spot.

The RCPO will also use the website of HKUST's Mainland Students and Scholars Society to provide crime briefs and information on the latest modus operandi for members of the Society.

Meanwhile, RCPO KE, in conjunction with the Wong Tai Sin Bright Orchid Women's Association, held a "Gain Vigour with Age Carnival cum Phone Scam Prevention Seminar" at Wong Tai Sin Community Centre on October 17 for over 200 elders.

RCPO KE officers explained the latest modus operandi of phone scams and shared related experiences with the audience. Fliers were handed out to remind the elders to remain vigilant to a stranger's phone calls and to request police assistance when in doubt.

The seminar draws a full house of elders
The seminar draws a full house of elders