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Marine East Division (MEDIV) held a Sai Kung Sea Safety Review cum Presentation Ceremony on October 6 at Tui Min Hoi Base to review the accidents that happened in Sai Kung waters in summer and analyse the causes. About 80 local dignitaries and community leaders turned up to support the event, including the chairmen and members of Sai Kung District Council, Sai Kung District Fight Crime Committee (SK DFCC), Sai Kung Yacht Association and Marine Excursion Association.

SK DFCC Chairman, Dr Lam Ching-choi, presented an appreciation letter to Senior Inspector (SIP) Leung Yuen-ching and her team of "Sea Safety Guarding Angels", while other local organisations in Sai Kung also presented letters of appreciation to MEDIV officers for enhancing public awareness of sea safety.

On another occasion, SIP Leung led the "Sea Safety Guarding Angels" to attend the opening ceremony of the 2015 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Water Sports Festival on September 16.

After the ceremony, the police team discussed and analysed the causes of accidents at sea with Dr Li Chi-moon, Senior Manager of the Health, Safety and Environment Office, teachers and students. The team also shared its experiences of rescues at sea.

In late September, SIP Leung and the "Sea Safety Guarding Angels" also visited the Hebe Haven Yacht Club for promoting sea safety to the staff and members.

Taking part in the sea safety review
Taking part in the sea safety review