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The "Fa Yuen Street Hawkers' Charter", rolled out by Mong Kok District (MKDIST), Yau Tsim Mong District Fight Crime Committee (YTM DFCC) and Fa Yuen Street Hawker Association in September, is gathering momentum. Ten shop operators and 107 hawkers have signed up for the Charter.

On October 14, MKDIST Commander Mark Foster and Assistant District Commander (Operations) Steven Tait, together with the chairman and members of YTM DFCC, chairman and executive committee members of Fa Yuen Street Hawker Association, YTM District Council members and Senior Police Call members, mounted a fight crime publicity drive in Fa Yuen Street and distributed copies of a flier on the charter scheme and souvenirs carrying fight crime messages to shopkeepers and hawkers in a bid to enlist their support for the charter and encourage them to come forward with crime information through a police hotline.

Three is no lack of community support for the Hawkers' Charter
Three is no lack of community support for the Hawkers' Charter