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Director of Police College Paul Lau officiated at the launching ceremony of the first accredited Standard Criminal Investigation Course (SCIC) in Detective Training Centre (DTC) on February 11, marking a major milestone for criminal investigation training.

Speaking before a large gathering of guests, including the Chief Superintendent of Crime Headquarters Ho Yuen-ha and Heads of Regional Crime Formations, Mr Lau encouraged the 167 trainees of the first accredited SCIC, comprising 160 police officers and seven officers from the other disciplined services, to get equipped for the jobs of professional investigator, crime supervisor and crime manager.

Inspectorate graduates of the accredited SCIC will be awarded a Professional Certificate at Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 5 while Sergeants and Constables will be offered a Professional Certificate at QF Level 4. They will graduate in April this year and upon completion of the required Workplace Learning in their crime units, Inspectorate officers will be eligible for the Advanced Diploma at QF Level 5 while Sergeants and Constables will receive the Advanced Diploma at QF Level 4.

A new milestone for detective training
A new milestone for detective training