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The Marine Region conducted an exchange programme with the Indian Coast Guard in Hong Kong on October 31 and November 1. This was the first time that the Indian offshore patrol vessel named SAMRAT, one of the largest vessels of the Indian Coast Guard, came to Hong Kong.

The programme kicked start with an official visit by a delegation of the Indian Coast Guard to the Marine Regional Headquarters and Marine Regional Command and Control Centre, where Hong Kong Marine officers gave a presentation on their policing strategies and the Central Command System. Afterwards, the Small Boat Division staged a demonstration of a forced boarding. In addition to operational exchange, the Indian Coast Guard hosted a deck reception on the SAMRAT for Hong Kong officers led by Marine Regional Commander Lam Hiu-tong.

On the second day of the programme, 12 officers of the Hong Kong Marine Region visited the SAMRAT. They joined a guided tour to the deck, a wheelhouse, a helicopter, engine rooms and crew cabins and took a look at the navigational equipment of the patrol vessel. The tour concluded with an informative presentation, which broadened the knowledge of Hong Kong officers on the maritime duties of the Indian Coast Guard.

Marine Deputy Regional Commander Tsui Wai-hung (right) presents a souvenir to Deputy Inspector General Datwinder Singh Saini of the Indian Coast Guard
Marine Deputy Regional Commander Tsui Wai-hung (right) presents a souvenir to Deputy Inspector General Datwinder Singh Saini of the Indian Coast Guard
 Hong Kong Marine officers visit the SAMRAT
Hong Kong Marine officers visit the SAMRAT