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The fourth session of the "Beyond Boundaries Learning Series (Marine Policing)" was held in Marine East Division on January 20, with Scientific Officer of the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) Ms Mandy Lo speaking on the Marine Mammal Stranding Programme in Hong Kong.

As frontline officers of Marine Region are sometimes required to handle stranded, injured or dead marine mammals, Ms Lo talked about different types of stranding of marine mammals, the appropriate handling procedures, and the roles of the OPCFHK and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in these incidents.

The sharing session not only enriched the knowledge of frontline officers in taking precautionary measures when dealing with stranded marine mammals, but also boosted their professional capacity and efficiency in co-ordinating with other stakeholders in handling such incidents.

An Ocean Park officer explains the precautionary measures for handling stranded marine mammals
An Ocean Park officer explains the precautionary measures for handling stranded marine mammals

● English Version Only