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The Police Tactical Unit Headquarters (PTU HQ) organised a farewell party for Hong Chi Association on March 28 to mark the end of a 15-year-plus cleaning services provided by its Hong Chi Super Service Team. Officers expressed gratitude to the team members, who were adults with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities, for their services.

Commandant of PTU HQ David Jordan presented a letter of appreciation to Hong Chi Association and its trainees for their dedication and professional services. A handmade thank you card with thumbprints of the trainees was presented by the General Secretary of the Hong Chi Association, Mr Lam Man-wing, to PTU HQ in return.

Ah Fung, one of the team members providing cleaning service for the PTU HQ, recalled that he had worked with seven former Commandants and witnessed the change of the PTU HQ. As the PTU HQ's contract with the Hong Chi team expired, officers told the team members, "We will miss you a lot!"

Mr Lam Man-wing (right) presents a thank you card to PTU HQ officers
Mr Lam Man-wing (right) presents a thank you card to PTU HQ officers