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To enhance readers' resilience and well-being, the Psychological Services Group (PSG) outlined in this issue the virtue of Justice put forward by renowned psychologist Dr Martin Seligman.

Justice means more than resisting bad influence, fighting against villains and protecting the vulnerable. It also refers to humanity in a marco view. People with Justice treat all people in society with kindness and try their best to contribute to society under fair conditions. The three character strengths connected to Justice are Teamwork, Fairness and Leadership.


People with the character strength of Teamwork have a sense of obligation to work for the common good. They are likely to be responsible and work for the benefit of the community or society rather than focusing on their personal gain.


Fairness refers to treating all people in the same way, free from the influence of subjective feeling or bias. It also means applying the same set of rules or standards to all people. Moreover, everyone can enjoy equal opportunities.


People with Leadership provide assistance, direction and guidance to their co-workers to achieve collective success and maintain good relationship. Leaders manage their own activities and those of others in an integrated system with ease.

A full version of this article with suggestions on how officers can apply their character strengths in their daily life will be uploaded to the Police Intranet (POINT) and the PSG website.