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The Psychological Services Group (PSG) runs a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Course regularly to enhance officers' ability to detect early signs of mental health problems and provide timely support to those in need. So far, nine classes have been held and 241 officers from the rank of Police Constable to Chief Superintendent have completed the course and become MHFAiders.

The course is one of the initiatives of the three-year Decoding Mental Health Campaign launched by the PSG in 2017. The campaign aims to raise Force members' awareness of mental health issues, reduce stigma towards mental problems and encourage people in need to seek help early. Enrollment to the course was very enthusiastic and the participants gave positive feedback. They said the training was highly effective in increasing their understanding of mental health, and enabled them to learn how to prevent and deal with mental illness early. This could not only help themselves, but also strengthen their confidence in offering assistance to others.

Interested officers are welcome to find details of the upcoming course on Force NoticeBoard.

Officers become MHFAiders after completion of the course
Officers become MHFAiders after completion of the course