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Members of the public thank police officers for their devotion to work. Below are some of the appreciation letters received by the Force.


Dear Commissioner Lo,

I was born and raised in Hong Kong and had lived in this wonderful city for over 40 years. Though I moved to Canada in 2000, I still visit Hong Kong every year. I am deeply saddened by the recent incidents arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill.

While I condemn the street violence and the crime committed by protesters who are more accurately described as a gang of thugs, there is not much any ordinary citizen could do. I watch the ferocity scenes on television and read the scuffle news on the Internet with a very heavy heart. The grief and pain that I feel is beyond description. I know that my family and many friends plus relatives in Hong Kong and Canada all feel the same way. You may think that we are the silent majority, but we do want you to know that we are very grateful to the police force.

You and your staff are brave and are working very hard to protect the lives and property of all people in Hong Kong. Given the seriousness of the offences and the scale of the mob, the recent incidents must have taken its toll on the police force. We are deeply sympathetic that you and your staff have to put up with provocative words and behaviour in the street. We would like to let you and all the police officers know that many of us are behind you all and we want to thank you all for upholding law and justice. I will go to Hong Kong later this year and would very much like to approach police officers in the street to thank them in person. Writing to you is another way to show my appreciation.

Please stay strong and help put Hong Kong on the right track. We need you and your staff.

Yours sincerely,

A Hongkonger residing in Toronto, Canada


In this difficult period, Hong Kong Police are facing tremendous pressure and unjust criticism. As a Hong Kong citizen, I am saddened by selfish and unreasonable comments against Hong Kong Police. Hong Kong Police are obliged to take a further step to stop the illegal acts of rioters.

Police officers are risking their safety. Their bravery and dedication are truly honourable and respectable. I would like to pay respect to them for their gallantry in keeping Hong Kong safe and restoring order.

I hope Hong Kong people will regain their clear mindset and look at the facts without bias. I also hope that this difficult time will be over soon and Hong Kong Police will get the right and justified commendation. Please take good care and do not get hurt in any future actions! Million thanks.


I am a retired police officer in the United Kingdom and I have been watching all these riots that are taking place in Hong Kong. I can understand the frustration of officers on the front line. I have been there and I know what it is like. I know that certain situations are very fearful when no one else can come to your help and only you and your fellow officers try and hold the thin line together.

Your officers have handled this most difficult and frightening situation with professionalism. I wish all your officers the very best for such a terrible situation which is not of their making.


Please allow me to thank all members of the Hong Kong Police Force for their efforts in the past three months. I have witnessed escalating challenges, false accusations, physical and mental stress borne by Force members. It is unfair and very unfortunate that police officers are under constant attack. My heart goes out to every one of you.

From an objective view, you have demonstrated professionalism, bravery and remarkable restraint in your execution of work. These qualities are admirable and commendable. Please continue the good work.

My sincere gratitude for your dedication and professionalism.


Dear Commissioner Lo,

I am writing this letter to thank you and the whole Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) that are under heavy pressure.

Don't worry, I am sure the efforts of the HKPF will be known worldwide. The HKPF is well mannered, efficient and very professional. I hereby salute you and the HKPF from the bottom of my heart. I hope all injured police officers a speedy recovery. Thanks again for keeping law and order in Hong Kong. Good job.

Yours sincerely,

A Pakistani born and raised in Hong Kong


I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Hong Kong Police Force in maintaining the order and peace of Hong Kong!

You are well disciplined and have exercised restraint and demonstrated the highest degree of bravery in executing your duties.

Many of my family members and friends share the same view. Thank you once again for everything that you are doing to uphold the rule of law in Hong Kong!


I am grateful for what the Hong Kong Police have done dutifully to safeguard the security of Hong Kong. Though duty bound, the hardship is huge to bear. I would not forget what you have endured.

This short note is the least I could do to show my gratitude and support to you. Thank you and wish you well and safe.


I would like to thank Hong Kong police officers for your professionalism in handling all the riots. Good citizens support and respect you without doubt. Thank you very much for upholding law and order in Hong Kong. Please accept my salute to you, and always put your own safety as the top priority when discharging duties.
