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In August 2020, Kowloon City District (KCDIST) launched “Project Eternity”, a pilot scheme aiming at improving the traffic problems in the district, in collaboration with stakeholders such as representatives from the funeral business and schools, District Councillors and other government departments. Through site visits, data analysis and review of both the design and operation of the roads in respective areas, KCDIST officers can systematically take traffic enforcement actions against selected targets at designated locations during specific periods.

Apart from conducting strategic traffic enforcement actions, “Project Eternity” also aims at strengthening the ties with stakeholders from different sectors, giving guidance to community members during the discussion of traffic-related issues, enhancing their cooperation and raising their awareness of shared commitment. The data obtained in this pilot scheme such as statistics on traffic flow, enforcement results and opinions from members of the public through online surveys will be shared with the Transport Department, so that recommendations can be proactively made regarding the introduction of double yellow lines at selected sections of the roads, the set-up of restricted zones at specific time and identification of alternative parking spaces for hearses at specific locations.

Without issuing extra penalty tickets, KCDIST has received far fewer traffic complaints since the third quarter in 2020. “Project Eternity” has facilitated inter-departmental and community cooperation and resulted in a higher utilisation rate of legal parking spaces and the overall improvement of traffic conditions, the latter of which was praised by members of the community. The good efforts of District Traffic Team and officers from both Divisions of KCDIST, the formation of the new Kowloon City Special Traffic Cadre, the overwhelming support from auxiliary officers and the effective use of Mobile Video Team collectively make “Project Eternity” a success.

KCDIST will regularly conduct online surveys to gather opinions from members of the public, conduct regular reviews and make timely adjustment of strategies, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of the project.

Mobile Video Team is deployed at a strategic location in KCDIST.
Mobile Video Team is deployed at a strategic location in KCDIST.