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The Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) launched the “Professional Certificate Programme in Leadership and Management in Policing for Station Sergeant” (previously known as “Station Sergeant Promotion Course”) on April 12, 2021. The programme is the first training course for Junior Police Officers (JPO) accredited at Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 5.

The accreditation was processed by an elite team of Programme Accreditation Panel. In January this year, the Panel visited the Aberdeen campus of the HKPC to interview the programme staff and review the training activities. After a series of stringent assessments, the accreditation status of the programme was endorsed in March. Along with the “Professional Certificate Programme in Supervisory Management in Policing for Sergeant” (previously known as “Sergeant Promotion Course”), which was accredited at QF Level 4 in January 2020, the accreditation of the two JPO promotion courses reflects the high quality of professional training provided by the HKPC as a leading centre of excellence in police training and development in the international arena.

The HKPC is committed to seeking accreditation for the Force’s internal professional training programmes, with a view to continuously enhancing training quality and encouraging trainees to pursue life-long learning.

An officer of the Personnel Wing gives a lecture to the trainees.
An officer of the Personnel Wing gives a lecture to the trainees.