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Information Systems Wing (ISW) was invited to join the Roving Exhibition themed “Smart City•Smart Hong Kong” organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) in Yuen Long, Central and Western, Tuen Mun, Eastern and Tai Po Districts between May 25 and June 25. ISW showcased the Smart Rescue Solutions, which won Gold Medals with Congratulations from Jury in the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, and the Self-Service Kiosk (SSK). Through on-site demonstrations and presentations, ISW officers deepened the public’s understanding and knowledge about digital policing. SSK will be set up at Admiralty MTR station to make police services more accessible to citizens.

Together with various government bureaux/departments and organisations in IT industry, OGCIO showcased a variety of smart city solutions and initiatives for citizens to understand how the government adopts technology to enhance efficiency. The exhibition has attracted over 6 600 visitors.

Smart Rescue Solutions on display in the exhibition.
Smart Rescue Solutions on display in the exhibition.