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What happened to flood funds?

It is now over a year since members of the Force dug deep into their pockets and gave generously to the China Flood Disaster fund. I am sure many officers would be interested to learn how their donations were used to relieve the suffering of those affected by the floods. Was the money given to a recognised charity, or was it better employed by the Central People's Government?

Jim Gray
Traffic New Territories North

Personnel Services respond ....

I am glad to hear Mr Gray was amongst the many thousands of officers in the Force who dug deep for this collection. Thanks to their generosity more than $1.6 million was raised and the funds collected were presented to the Hong Kong Red Cross. All officers who donated over $100 were sent an individual receipt by the Red Cross.

According to the Red Cross, relief materials purchased with the funds were taken by their own relief teams to the worst hit disaster areas on the Mainland. In accordance with procedures used by the International Red Cross, the supplies were handed either direct to beneficiaries or to Red Cross organisations on the Mainland. All such transactions were recorded for future checking and auditing.

If Mr Gray or anyone else would like a further breakdown of how the money collected in Hong Kong was spent, they are most welcome to contact either myself on 2804-1100 or EO PS 1 Alymer Yan on 2804-1107.

Martin Samson
Chief Superintendent, Personnel Services

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