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CSP pleads for 'smart drivers'

CSP T William Tang delivers his Rotary speech

Chief Superintendent (Traffic) William Tang How-kong has urged motorists to use a smart-driving strategy to prevent accidents.

Speaking at a Hong Kong Island East Rotary Club luncheon on April 4, Mr Tang said although fatal and serious traffic accidents have hit a 41-year low, motorists should be smart and assume other drivers around them are inexperienced and careless.

"Smart drivers observe safe speed limits and maintain a sensible distance from the car in front to allow ample reaction time should an emergency happen. This can save lives in even the most dangerous of situations," he said.

Three fatalities occurred for every 100,000 people last year, while for serious traffic accidents, the rate was still considered low at 2.86 per 1,000 people. Mr Tang said the decline was very encouraging in view of increasing population and vehicle numbers.

"However, there is no room for complacency. The fact is, in the next five years there will be more than 1,000 people killed, some 15,000 seriously injured and over 80,000 casualties resulting from traffic accidents, even if the same low accident rate recorded last year is maintained," he said. Tailgating, speeding, drunk and reckless drivers were usually over-confident and complacent, causing traffic accidents, Mr Tang said, adding: "The second biggest enemy is carelessness which is signified by lane changing, reversing and entering road junctions carelessly."

He added that fatigue was another threat, and that tired drivers should not get behind the wheel. He capped off his speech by reciting a moving anti-drink driving poem.

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