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NYPD appreciation

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Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui wrote to the Commissioner of the New York Police Department following the September 11 terrorist attack on New York City. The following is a letter of response from Police Commissioner Bernard B Kerik of the City of New York:

On the morning of September 11, 2001 New York City, the tri-state area and our nation experienced a great loss when terrorists thundered two hijacked airplanes into the World Trade Centre's Twin Towers, resulting in a terrible loss of human life.

In an era of instant communication and mass media coverage, the events of that morning were captured on television news. Those watching were transfixed, seemingly mesmerised in place, unable to grasp the reality or enormity of the tragedy they were witnessing.

While thousands were fleeing for their lives, 23 New York City police officers disregarded the debris cascading down around them and proceeded against a flowing and pressing tide of humanity to render first aid and help guide others to safety. The courage, fidelity and actions of these 23 officers are the embodiment of heroism. These heroes leave an important legacy, one that makes America and New York great, strong and resilient. Each and every officer knowingly and unselfishly entered into harm's way and made the supreme sacrifice to save others.

On behalf of all members of the New York City Police Department I want to thank you for your kind, heartfelt words. While the days ahead will be painful and difficult, an almost unbearable burden is lightened because it is shared by so many caring others.

Please continue to keep the men and women of the New York Police Department, as well as all emergency workers, in your thoughts and prayers.

Bernard B Kerik
Police Commissioner, City of New York

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