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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on March 6 pointing out that, following Police investigation into a scuffle between Customs officers and several youths in Lowu, none of the youths involved were found to be members of a triad society.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on March 8 clarifying that officers attached to the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction and Criminal Conviction Data Office were required to perform other duties and administrative work. It added that a review of the workload of the unit will be carried out to ensure an effective use of resources.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on March 11 in response to an article regarding a complaint against an officer for allegedly perverting the course of justice involving a traffic offence committed by a friend of one of the senior officers. It was pointed out that a thorough and impartial investigation into the complaint was underway.

  • Two letters were sent to a Chinese newspaper and a TV station on March 12 clarifying that the traffic offence committed by a taxi driver in Prince Edward Road last September 14 was detected by radar and not by a laser gun as claimed.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on March 15 refuting claims that the promotion prospects of Deputy Regional Commander, Kowloon West were slim because of an incident which was still under investigation. It stressed that the Force's promotion exercise was fair and impartial.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on March 17 rebutting a claim of slow response and poor co-ordination by Police concerning a traffic accident in Tsing Kwai Highway on March 15. It stressed that the Police and other relevant departments co-operated and handled the incident appropriately.

    (For details please check PEN)

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