Police care prevents domestic violence

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The responsible, understanding and supportive attitude of Police officers in handling a domestic incident has helped a woman overcome her ordeal and possibly prevented a tragedy from occurring.

In an RTHK radio programme on parental education recently, a caller identified as "May" (a pseudo name) shared her traumatic experience in the 80's when she was seeking to divorce her husband.

"I gave up the custodial right of our children to my former husband to avoid any conflicts and prevent my children from suffering further. But he was harsh and always threatened them. This prompted me to make a report to the Police," she said in an interview with OffBeat.

"Whenever I received complaints from my children, I would call the Police who would visit him and warn him of the consequences of his actions. To relieve my worry, the concerned officers would call me back after they had completed the enquiries."

The situation persisted for about three to four months. "There had been no violence and my children have grown up safely," she added. The children are now enjoying a harmonious relationship with her and her former husband.

The guest host of the programme and a leading expert on parental education, Dr Wong Chung-kwong, wrote to Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui to convey the woman's compliments to the Force.

"She was most grateful to the Police officers who helped her in what would otherwise have become a very tragic domestic violence case," he said in the letter, adding: "I feel very proud of our Hong Kong Police Force. I also have had the privilege to share experiences with the staff of your Force."

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