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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on April 16 noting that it was incorrect for its April 15th report to say that the training period of the current Auxiliary trainees was shortened so that they could serve in the New Territories as soon as possible to solve the shortage of Auxiliary officers there.

  • A letter was sent to another Chinese-language newspaper on April 16 clarifying that PPRB duty officers had responded as soon as possible to its reporter's enquiry about alleged delay in the transport of two robbery victims to a hospital.

  • It was stated in a letter sent to a Chinese- language newspaper on April 17 that Yau Ma Tei Divisional Commander, Mr Wong Wai-fung, had said at a security seminar that Police were concerned about burglary in the division but had not said that Police felt "lost face" about "dig-wall" burglary.

  • In response to a column published in a Chinese-language newspaper on April 17, a letter was sent to the paper the following day to clarify the Police powers in respect of search and arrest inside premises.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on April 22 to clarify its article on the new Police Force working dress.

    (Please check PEN for details)

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