Wushu Club cares about children's growth

8 Photos

The Police Chinese Wushu Club, jointly with the Police Chinese Culture Club and the Friends of Hope Education Fund, have been endeavouring to enhance the cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Mainland children and promote education on the Mainland.

The Club had made arrangements for eight children from a wushu school, Fujian Quanzhou Jianying Wushu School, to stay with the families of Hong Kong Police officers during Christmas last year.

Earlier in July and August, more than 80 children of members of the Force went to the Putian Southern Shaolin Wushu School in Fujian to learn martial arts together with the local students. This year's course, at a cost of about $2,000, will begin on July 27 and last for 14 days.

The Club has also assisted in financing education projects on the Mainland, raising over RMB300,000 for a Project Hope school in Jiangxi Province and another HK$1.8 million for the construction of four Project Hope schools in Luoyang and one in Tangyin county. The four schools in Luoyang were opened in April this year.

The Club also joined hands with other organisations including the Police Adventure Club to raise RMB 220,000 for the reconstruction of a primary school in Liuzhou in Guangxi so that the some 400 teachers and pupils do not have to worry about "raining" inside the classrooms anymore.

Those interested in receiving Mainland children or having their children joining the marital arts course in Putian may contact the Vice-Chairman of the Club, Mr Shum Kam-tim at 9202-0013.

"Nice to meet you. Let 's make friends."
A primary school under construction
Spectacular wushu demonstration by students at Police Sports and Recreation Club
Construction site of one of the Project Hope schools in Luoyang
Opening ceremony of a Project Hope school
Force members and their families enjoy receiving Mainland children
Students say goodbye to their "old" classrooms
Kids are thrilled to meet visitors from Hong Kong

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