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PPRB's replies to the media

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The Police Public Relations Bureau issued a total of three letters between June 19 - 24 to three Chinese-language newspapers to clarify a number of inaccurate reports.

Referring to a columnist's remarks alleging that the Force wanted to set people's mind at rest by claiming that the discovery of an explosive in Sha Tin Racecourse was just a mischievous act, a letter was sent to the editor stating that Police's approach was both professional and responsible as the Force had neither exaggerated nor downplayed the seriousness of the case.

The letter also pointed out that officers, in subsequent interviews by both the electronic and print media, had openly appealed to the public not to be worried but should remain alert and report to Police any suspicious objects.

The letter added that vigorous Police investigation had resulted in the quick arrest of the culprit.

(Check PEN for details)

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