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'Bamboozled' writes

1 Photo

Dear Sir,

My company was chosen to pilot the latest addition to the Force's vehicle fleet (see photo) and, unfortunately, I have found there is much room for improvement. On the positive side, I can see where there is value-for-money and, no doubt, the propulsion system is ecologically sound, but has Transport Division really thought through the impact on the public?

My second-in-command and I recently conducted a vehicular anti-crime patrol through Sheung Shui Town Centre and, despite our professional demeanour, I sensed that some members of the public seemed quietly amused at the sight of us cruising down the high street. I personally witnessed several people actually laughing and pointing! Needless to say they were swiftly dealt with but, in terms of our reputation, I suspect the damage had already been done!

I would be grateful if the relevant authority could review this matter urgently as I understand the bamboo has already been ordered for a larger troop-carrying model. BJ Smith


OffBeat understands that there is more to the Transport Division's new initiative than meets the eye. Operations Wing favours it because there would be an additional six officers responding to every incident. Training Wing approves of it because the propulsion unit will be a mandatory posting for officers of all ranks, and either sex, who exceed their optimal body mass index by five percent or more. A 'thinning out' of all ranks can only bring benefits to the Force and the individuals concerned.

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