Knowledge Management
Dealing with incidents in premises
granted liquor and massage licences

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Over the last few years, there have been a number of changes in legislation, licensing requirements, reporting standards and procedures, relating to businesses granted liquor licences and massage establishment licences. To assist officers dealing with incidents at or affecting such places, Support Wing's Police Licensing Office has produced on-line aide-memoirs to be introduced at seminars planned for early October.

Chief Inspector (Licensing), Ms Grace Leung explained that "If correct and appropriate action is taken at the time an incident occurs, and if the report follows the guide-lines set out, the licensing authorities will have a clearer picture of things when considering applications for the renewal of a licence."

The aide memoirs in the Licensing database under the Knowledge Management menu are comprehensive and cover basic background information about the licences and legislation applicable to them. They suggest the appropriate action to be taken, and points to be noted, in various situations. They also give samples of suggested forms and warnings letters appropriate to different kinds of incidents.

At the seminars for Land Region frontline officers, the aide memoirs will be introduced and officers attending given the opportunity to relate the practical difficulties they face when carrying out their duties in this area.

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