短語動詞—Phrasal Verbs

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短語動詞是由一個動詞加上一至兩個副詞或介詞組成,特點是即使你明白各組成部分的意思,也無法推測出整個短語動詞的意思,例如︰look的意思是「看」,但look into卻解作「調查」、look forward to則是「期望」的意思。如你能掌握短語動詞的用法,你的英語便會更道地和生活化。現在試試為下列句子找出正確的答案︰

1. We did _______ the problems, but could not sort things out.

2. I have been working too hard, so I need to take a few days off to _______.

3. I didn't expect John would be able to do it, but he _____ it _____ in the end.

4. The membership _______ dramatically when the Chairman resigned.

5. He walks too fast and it's hard for me to _______ him.

6. He _______ a lot of money on his wedding.

7. Please don't _______ an excuse for being late.

8. He is the kind of manager who will always _______ his staff.

9. It's hard to _______ the pain of a serious illness.

10. I was surprised when my plan ________ so easily.

a. pulled off b. keep up with c. chill out d. make up  e. fell off f. laid out g. live with h. stand up for i. talk over j. came off



(1) C (2) D (3) E (4) A (5) B

(6) J (7) I (8) G (9) H (10) F


1.  Elaine Tsang, PTR TWDIST

2.  WPC Li Siu-man, SSDIV PSU 4

3.  PC Tsang Ho-kwong, AIT 4 I&S KW

4.  WPC Sit May-fun, DVSU YMTDIV

5.  財務科助理文書主任陳耀光

6.  Choi Po-ling, CLA CRB Vetting

7.  PC Lau Kwun-fang, MESU TSWDIV

8.  SGT Lau Chak-kei, EU NTN PLN 4


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