Fun with English

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英語裡有很多關於動物的習語,大多生動有趣,但是我們在理解時不可望文生義,否則便會語意不通,例如 "smell a rat" 並不是指嗅到了老鼠,而是「感到可疑」的意思。類似的例子還有很多,你能在下列句子填上正確的答案嗎?

1. I got the information straight from the _______'s mouth.

2. In many countries people are working simply to keep the ______ from the door.

3. His point really hits the _______'s-eye.

4. Don't tell him any secret. He's a _______ in the grass.

5. I think that I put a _______ in his ear when I pointed out his problems.

6. He cooked his own _______ when he fought against his boss.

7. I have a bad cold and there is a _______ in my throat.

8. He will go _______ if he sees that you have not finished the work.

(a) goose (b) bull (c) horse (d) frog (e) ape (f) snake (g) wolf (h) flea



(1) c  (2) d  (3) a  (4) g  (5) f  (6) e  (7) h  (8) b


1. WSPC Carmen Tsang, OCTB

2. PC Lam Wing, PSU4 KTDIV

3. 新界南刑事總部文書助理馮榮遠

4. PC Lo Chiu-wah, TWDIST

5. Tang Shui-lin, Typist G&D

6. WPC Sze Nga-wan, CCB

7. Chan Chun-tung, SS II, SW

8. Kit Mei-ming, CA PDLC


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