色彩繽紛的諺語 - Colourful Idioms

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諺語是前人生活體驗與智慧的結晶,特點是形象生動,言簡意賅。在英語國度內,充滿色彩的諺語多不勝數,當中不乏與中文文義相當接近的詞句,例如“golden opportunity”,解作黃金機會,亦即良機。只要多加留意,靈活運用,想要掌握變化多端的英文諺語並不困難。現選錄了以下句子,請大家配上正確的顏色詞。

1. He was ______ with envy when he saw my new dress. (very jealous)

2. The boxer was ______ after round 10. (bruised, beaten)

3. Mary hasn't worked a day in her life as she was born with a ______ spoon in her mouth. (born into a rich family)

4. The thief was caught ______ handed stealing sun-glasses. (catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal)

5. Such regulation is a ______ area that needs to be further discussed. (something without a clear rule or answer)

6. She was born to the ______. (born into a royal family)

7. The winner was kept in the ______ about the results of the competition until the final moment. (unaware)

8. She got a phone call from a cousin out of the ______ last week. (unexpectedly)

9. She was tickled ______ when her husband brought roses home for her. (very pleased and appreciative)

10. We told Helen that her cake was delicious, which was actually a ______ lie. (an innocent lie to protect another person's feelings)

a) silver   b) dark   c) green   d) grey

e) pink   f) black and blue   g) white

h) blue   i) purple   j) red



(1) 墨  (2) 事  (3) 度  (4) 意  (5) 璨

(6) 明  (7) 震  (8) 脹  (9) 緝  (10) 妨


1) WTSDIST Property CA Ng Mei-sheung

2) WTSDIST Property CO Chan Chun-chung

3) SSPODIV PSU2 PC Ng Kwok-kuen

4) FS 9E CCB PC Chan Chun-pong

5) MAR RHQ PS II Pang Yuen-ching

6) PHQ P&G Div Typist Lam Wai-fong

7) SW/PHQ CON A Chan Tung-wai

8) 總部保安處機密檔案員廖玉蓮


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