Bouquets for Force over law and order

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An expatriate couple living in Stanley, Sheila and Olivier Partrat, has expressed appreciation of the security they enjoy in Hong Kong.

To express their prized sense of security, the couple has e-mailed Wan Chai Deputy District Commander Au Yeung Chiu-kong some testimonials of appreciation for the Force "from a few of us - who on a daily basis, find that the security we enjoy in Hong Kong is a significant contribution to our quality of life."

In her e-mail, Mrs Partrat added: "I also want to take the opportunity to stress again what a luxury it is to be able to move around freely in Hong Kong without the worry about security. Thank you to you and your team for such a valuable contribution to quality of life. Know that it is not taken for granted!"

Mrs Partrat hopes to bring children from the French International School to visit a police station so that children of the expatriate community would know more about the job of maintaining law and order in Hong Kong.

Testimonials of appreciation

"I have lived in Hong Kong for over 15 years. When living on Macdonald Road, my apartment was broken into. Within four minutes of calling the police, I had eight policemen at my apartment. The questioning took the necessary time - after which they found the guilty party. The feeling of safety is priceless."

From Arnaud in Stanley

"I have lived in Hong Kong for over 15 years, and feel safer here than when I was living in Europe. This is one of the key reasons why my husband and I have made Hong Kong our home. One small example: When I was pregnant with my first child and driving alone, my car broke down on a busy street (mechanical failure). Within two minutes, a courteous policeman came to help. He was polite, helpful and sorted out my problem promptly. No stress for me, no stress for my baby.... This is one example among many that I can give. Many thanks."

From Nicole in Stanley

"My husband and I moved to Hong Kong from Paris three years ago with our three children. The knowledge that our children are growing up in a secure environment adds to our quality of life on a daily basis. We can offer our 10-year-old daughter small liberties that we could NEVER have given her in Paris. Once, we even lost our - (at that time) 3-1/2-year-old daughter on Big Wave Beach for over 20 minutes. During those very long and stressful minutes, my "worst case scenario" was a water accident rather than child aggression (any parent's worst nightmare). We were able to mentally reduce the likelihood of this horrible possibility because of trust in the local security."

From Sheila in Stanley

"This is just a short note to say how very much I value the HK Police Force. One of the top reasons I love HK is for its safety and that is due, in no small part, to the excellence of law enforcement in HK. As a mother who has grown up in HK and who now has a young family of her own growing up here, this sense of security is invaluable. To live in a city of this size and feel unthreatened, secure in the knowledge that should we need help the police would be there in moments, to know that we are protected, is a wonderful feeling. I would also like to extend my thanks for the unfailing courtesy I have always been shown by the police when lost or needing directions. Don't ever feel that you are unappreciated. We may not often have the opportunity to voice it but we Hong Kongers are very proud of the job all of you do!"

From Sooni in Pok Fu Lam

"My three kids feel so safe here that they are gaining an independence that they cannot enjoy back home. Taking a bus or a taxi at night alone is something kids never do in Europe, and even adults sometimes as well. It gives a great sense of security, meaning for the kids' independence and liberty they are so happily enjoying here in Hong Kong! Another example: my wallet was stolen at Stanley market. OK, not so secure, being here already for some time, maybe I was a bit careless for some minutes - I felt "too safe" maybe. Pickpockets are still around. BUT the great thing is that my report to the police station in Stanley was extremely courteous; the Police officers really did check, investigate, called me about three times subsequently to know if money had been withdrawn from my stolen cards. One never gets any attention, even less follow-up for a stolen wallet back in Europe! That was a refreshing change, all credit to the HK Police."

From Aude in Tai Tam

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