Promotion rate a boon
and challenge for SBDIV

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In the current crop of promotion exercises, Small Boat Division (SBDIV) has achieved the outstanding result of having 15 officers recommended for promotion, out of a total establishment of 134. The actual promotion rate for SBDIV averaged 17.3 percent of those officers short-listed for interview from the whole of Marine Region, reflecting the hard work and professionalism of the unit. This year, 12 Police Constables, two Sergeants and one Senior Inspector from SBDIV have been, or will be, promoted to a higher rank.

Commenting on the promotion result, Small Boat Division Superintendent John Cameron said, "This really is a tremendous result and has been realised due to a number of factors, including a high level of good productivity being reflected by compliments or commendations from senior officers, efforts in preparing for attending the interview board, and a very positive spirit throughout the whole unit.

"SBDIV prides itself on teamwork, safety and enforcement productivity, all of which have contributed to the competitiveness of our officers in the promotion stakes.

"We now face the challenge of having to replace all these first-rate officers, and this will involve lengthy training and coaching for a crop of newcomers to SBDIV for our core role of high speed pursuit and interception."

Marine Regional Commander Chang Mo-see has congratulated the officers and encouraged them to pass on their valuable experience and small boat skills on posting out from SBDIV.

Marine Regional Commander Chang Mo-see congratulates the officers on their promotion

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