Appreciation Corner

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Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much for the fantastic good news that Detective Senior Inspector Wong and his team, especially Detective Lam, of District Crime Squad 3, Central Police Station, did a very great job. According to the news, which I received, they achieved to imprison one of the delinquents, a money launderer being sentenced for more than three years in the prison of Hong Kong.

This delinquent caused, in teamwork with a criminal internationally operating network, tremendous damage to my family and me. Although for me the painful damage of loss of a large amount of money is still reality because it is unclear whether I’ll ever get back my lost money or at least part of it, I am very thankful for the job performed by your colleagues mentioned above, based on skilled, purposeful and efficient organisation and performance of work. Especially I appreciate that they managed the judicial procedures in a way that finally I needed not to travel to Hong Kong and could stop my respective preparations in terms of time and money.

Legal security is one of the most important essentials for international business relations. And confidence in legal security is based on swift and efficacious prosecution of law infringement. Due to the large geographical distance between Europe and Hong Kong, such confidence is the more a crucial requirement to continue business relations.

I hope that with your help it will be possible to further reveal the shape and the actors of the international money laundering network that was and still is operating invisibly, criminal and obviously professionally. Whatever I can contribute to this revelation I will be happy to assist.


(Editor’s Note: The officers praised in this letter are SIP Wong Chung-kong, PC Lam Siu-on and Central District Crime Squad 3)

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